How I became a fitness instructor for older people

How I became a fitness instructor for older people
After 25 years working in the Charity sector I was looking for something new. I wanted to be self-employed but work with people.
Back in my 20s, I had trained as a fitness professional to be a keepfit instructor and enjoyed running classes. But two children and a variety of jobs later meant I hadn’t taught for years. I continued to attend classes like Zumba, bums & tums and body blitz. I’d been out of the fitness industry for a long time.
I did ask myself, “am I too old to be a fitness instructor now?” I knew there are older personal trainers so I figured there must be similar classes and I could become an exercise instructor for older people.
A few google searches later Move it or Lose it was the recommended go to trainer, so here I am 5 ½ years later working for myself, doing what I love, surrounded by like-minded people. #perfect
Training course to become a fitness instructor for older people
The FABS training was thorough but enjoyable. The e-learning anatomy and physiology was convenient and very interesting, the 2 day practical, nerve wracking but fun.
The exercise programme has been designed to improve balance, flexibility, aerobic fitness and strength. We use resistance bands and balls for the strengthening elements.
I was very impressed with the amount of information provided, the ease and accessibility of the courses and the level of support Move it or Lose it provided for us trainees.
It’s comprehensive training to become a fitness instructor for seniors. I’ve learned to teach seated exercise and standing exercises meaning I can teach in community and care settings.
I passed my course in October and took the opportunity to advertise, advertise, advertise over the coming few months and Christmas break. I will always remember my first exercise class, mid-January, the nerves kicked in and 27 older adults walked into my class!
Teaching my first keepfit class to the over60s
I pulled up my big girl pants, put a smile on my face and the rest is history. Now Irun 5, well supported, fantastic classes around Castlepoint in Essex and I love what I do as much today as I did back then, and have over 100 regular class members.
I was asked if I was interested in taking over a funded group currently run by Active Essex called “Let’s Keep Moving”. Over the years with support of the council I have now created a company Let’s Keep Moving CIC. We work in partnership with the council, NHS and Sport’s England to keep us oldie’s active as we age.
We provide a welcoming safe space for the older client and those with underlying health conditions to “age better”. Providing support, advice and 20 minutes of Move it or Lose it exercise magic.
Move it or Lose it offer ongoing training through a variety of CPDs and research. I am never short of great subjects to chat through with the groups. We have over 100 regular weekly members who really enjoy the club.
By providing fun, friendly exercise sessions we break down perceived barriers of what is achievable as we get older. My best class quotes have to be:
“Now I can get up from the sunbed on my own”
“Sandra you’d be so proud of me, I didn’t fall over I cha cha chaaad!”
We provide all over exercises:
- aerobics, so you can play with the grandkids
- strength so you can carry shopping bags
- balance to prevent trips and hospital admissions
- flexibility to be able to get out of bed in the morning or reach the last bit of chocolate at the back of the fridge!
- we learn new fun, dance, routines to engage the brain
The feeling you get when you create a new routine in your kitchen then watch you class smash it, dancing and smiling through the session is A-MAZ-ING.
Becoming a Master Trainer
I’m so proud and passionate about what I do that when the opportunity to become a Master trainer with Move it or Lose it arose, I jumped at it. To impart what I have learnt to others and increase our brand awareness across the country is a privilege. The FABS training enables instructors to adapt exercises so everyone is welcome no matter their fitness level. The course is a mixture of eLearning and we deliver online courses and face-to-face practical training days.
Through Move it or Lose it bespoke training, I have helped train staff and volunteers within care home settings to offer chair-based exercise sessions to to help clients continue to do everyday tasks such as getting out a chair, off the loo or dress themselves for longer. It’s all safe and effective exercises designed to enhance their independence and quality of life.
Across the years my classes have attended many fetes and community days with demo’s of what we do and I have been a guest speaker at a couple of conferences. The life of an instructor is varied and fun.
On a personal level, running weekly classes has improved my own fitness. I seem to be Benjamin Buttoning myself and decreasing in age lol. I’m passionate about staying active. I competed in my first Triathlons in my 50’s, my first ½ Marathon at 55 and I have just swum from Portsmouth to the Isle of Wight, who knows what’s next…..Everest!
Become a fitness instructor for older people
So if you are looking for a rewarding career, full of fun, whilst supporting others to be independent for longer then Move it or Lose it is for you, whatever your age. Train to teach older adults exercise with Move it or Lose it. Look at our training courses here to learn how to deliver chair based exercise and standing exercises to older adults.