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Move it or Lose it Routine 2 online rental

SKU: DVD2Rent Categories: ,


This is the online version of DVD 2. Once purchased it will be available for you to watch for one year.

Move it or Lose it! Routine 2 gives you the choice of sitting or standing to exercise. If you have balance problems or haven’t exercised for a while you may prefer to start the exercise routine sitting down and as you improve you can progress to stand for part of or all of the routine.

This is what our customers say about Move it or Lose it! Routine 2…

“This DVD is excellent for older people. It goes through every exercise with precise instructions and is very easy to follow” Pat

“Brilliant teacher who shows you through the movements in a very patient, clear manner” R J Williams

The routines, done to lively cheerful music, can help you to improve your flexibility, strength, stamina and balance.

You can even track your progress with our 30 second sit-to-stand test.

Professor Janet Lord explains how this DVD can help you:

“People are living longer but many are not always enjoying good health in later years. Research has shown how important keeping physically active is for health in old age. Move it or Lose it! covers a range of easy to follow exercises that will help to maintain and improve musculoskeletal function and can be done in your own home.”


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