Class member Roy in the spotlight

This month we caught up with Move it or Lose it class member Roy Eades, aged 79 and asked him a few questions. Here’s what he had to say.
Why did you decide to come to a Move it or Lose it class?
I wanted to do some exercise as I no longer work so I can stay fit and well. It’s definitely helped, I was having some joint pain and now it’s gone! It’s good fun too.
Have you got any hobbies?
I love gardening. Me and Margaret have been out gardening so much during lockdown that our garden now looks like Kew Gardens!
What’s the most exciting thing you’ve ever done?
When the children were young we drove from Toronto to Florida – 3000 miles – in a Winnebago. It was such an adventure; I’ll never forget it.
On our 25th anniversary we went to Hawaii and it was superb. We went via Los Angeles for a week then onto Hawaii and saw a volcano going off and lava pouring into the sea.
What’s your guilty pleasure
Watching football on TV – come on England!
What was your first job?
I was a motor mechanic. I did an apprenticeship with British Leyland then went to Ford and stayed 23 years working my way through the ranks.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Try harder at school. I wish I had but I hated school didn’t want to learn. I was good at carpentry and with my hands which is why I became a mechanic. Thank goodness for my wife, she is so much more intelligent than I am!
What one piece of advice would you give to your grandchildren?
Treat others like you want to be treated yourself.
Move it or Lose it classes have been developed by experts in ageing research to help you to improve your flexibility, aerobic health, balance and strength for greater independence. “The Move it or Lose it programme of exercises are scientifically proven to improve strength, leading to better balance to reduce falls risk.” Professor Janet Lord, Director of the Centre for Healthy Ageing Research at University of Birmingham All the exercises can be done seated or standing, depending on your ability.