Stay young at heart, join The Club!

The best way to stay young at heart is to be active and stay connected with others. We need some motivation to get us moving, other people to communicate with and a little challenge to keep our brain and body working well.
As meeting up with others is becoming more difficult and with the winter months ahead, we have launched our Move it or Lose it Club. This is a safe and friendly online community which is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week offering a wide range of activities to keep your mind and body working and to know that you’re not alone.
The Club has three areas:
The Exercise Club
The Social Club
The Live Club
You can also pick and choose from the wide range of exercises that include strength, balance and stretching routines, breathing and balance, seated Pilates and coordination challenges. There’s something for everyone with new content being added every week.
We also have a weekly itinerary of activities such as hobbies and crafts, book club, top tips for weight loss, Q&A with our pharmacist and helpful advice on staying supple from our physiotherapist.
There’s also top tips from experts in healthy ageing including Professor Janet Lord on how to boost your immune system and Professor Sir Muir Gray on how to live longer better.
It’s also a place where you can simply chat to others and we’ll arrange virtual meet-ups for a cuppa and a natter.
We’ve been able to develop The Club thanks to funding from Sport England and the National Lottery as part of their Tackling Inequalities Fund. Their research showed that certain groups of people were being disproportionately affected by the pandemic and it was significantly impacting their ability to be physically active. This funding enables community groups to continue to exist and engage with their communities, with a view to keeping them active during lockdown and early recovery stages.
So by joining our Club, you can benefit by staying active and connected and you’ll be supporting our team of valued specialist instructors who cannot run their community classes. All of this is available for £4.99 per month which is 16p per day – you can subscribe with no commitment and leave whenever you choose.
So what are you waiting for – join the Club and invite a friend – we can’t wait to meet you!
Join The Club here!
With thanks to our funders of The Club: