Prolonging healthspan to save the NHS!

Move it or Lose it – Saving the NHS
Here at Move it or Lose it, our network of instructors deliver our unique blend of fun, sociable fitness classes to approximately 31,250 older adults per year. This suggests a potential annual saving to the NHS of £78 million based on research by Outcomes Based Healthcare (OBH) which has shown that prolonging “healthspan” – the length of time a person is in good health, by 1 year could save the NHS £2500 per person.
Robert Dunbar-Rees, founder of OBH and former GP has said – “We need to look at health through a different lens, one that focuses on how we prevent and delay people developing significant health problems, rather than delivering treatment once people have already started to become unwell.”
Move it or Lose it aims to tackle this by combining a mixture of flexibility, aerobic, balance and strength (FABS) exercises in a friendly, welcoming environment in order to prevent or reduce ill health and prolong healthspan among older adults.
The Move it or Lose it app, which will be launching later this year, will allow users to track how active they have been to enable older adults to achieve the recommended exercise guidelines of 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity each week.
There are numerous health benefits of older adults carrying out physical activity as shown in the diagram below such as reducing depression and dementia by up to 30%. “Regular physical activity can help prevent over 20 chronic conditions and diseases” (Gov.UK, 2016).
At Move it or Lose it, we believe that exercise should not be a chore and should be a fun and sociable experience, bringing people together as a community and creating an inclusive environment enabling older adults to be more active and prolong their healthspan. The company has ambitious plans to grow the instructor network to 1000 instructors, reaching 125,000 older adults per year which could ultimately save the NHS £313 million per year.
Find out how to join our team and become one of our instructors here
Or find an exercise class near you here
Ania Stanley
Just to say “Thank You!” About four years ago, I was struck down with ‘Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome’. Normally a healthy 60+, I found your web-site and started with sitting-down exercises. I am now almost back to normal and keep myself active with your other DVD and the book: most of all, the monthly Newsletter keeps me on my toes! Am looking forward to the launch of your app!