Changing the way we age

Reimagining Ageing
When Move it or Lose it began in 2010, I never imagined it would grow into the business it has become today. Originally the aim was to help older people to do safe and effective exercises at home using our DVDs when they couldn’t get to a class; we continue to receive wonderful feedback from those who use our DVDs who often feel forgotten by the fitness industry.
Now we have hundreds of Move it or Lose it classes across the UK, delivered by specialist instructors, helping people in their local communities. Together we are changing lives, keeping people healthy and independent for longer and saving the healthcare system millions of pounds.
Over 600 people have completed our FABS training programme with 250 of those who are eligible, joining our network (our family). In 2018 this means we have had over 1.5 million unique interactions* with the people who attend our classes; that’s 1.5 million more smiles and opportunities to make friends.
Over 450 patients have attended Move it or Lose it classes in their GP surgeries in the West Midlands with phenomenal results. This is really helping the ‘hardest to reach’ people who feel they can’t or shouldn’t exercise due to their long term health conditions. After 12 weeks of support, they improve their strength, balance, mobility, confidence and mood and then go onto local community classes to continue exercising and socialising.
In 2018 we have delivered 15 bespoke training courses, in England, Scotland and Wales for the Royal Voluntary Service charity. This is helping their staff and volunteers to encourage frailer older people to maintain their independence whether in hospital, at home or at day centres.
With funding from UnLtd and The Big Lottery, we have trained and supported 20 people in Devon and Cornwall to transform ageing by reaching those in smaller or more rural communities.
We have developed a new exercise resource to help patients in hospital or those in care, to get up, get out of their PJs, get dressed and get moving to help End PJ Paralysis.
Our YouTube channel continues to reach more people with our free exercise routines – the “How to improve your balance in 5 minutes” video having over 264,000 views.
We aim to expand our network of amazing instructors to 1,000 so we can have over 6 million interactions with older people every year. This not only helps to keep the older generation healthier and happier, it creates £24 million of employment value to the economy and saves countless millions for the NHS.
As we launch our new training business – MenoHealth – we aim to replicate the success of Move it or Lose it by reaching the 13 million women in the UK who are pre or post menopausal. The unique MenoLeader Training Programme provided by MenoHealth will create a network of support and exercise to ensure women experience a better menopause and help them to stay active for better health in later life too. See more at
As the ageing population continues to increase, we see this as an opportunity to change lives and reimagine ageing. If you can help us on our mission, contact us at or
*Based on teaching just 5 classes a week with 25 attendees over 48 weeks.
sheila parsonage
I attend every Thursday and I really feel the benefit of the classes….brilliant!!
Move It or Lose It
We’re so glad you enjoy it, thank you Sheila!
Looks good, enjoyed 1st class we went to, now searching out Uribe as we are on holiday.